I have played this game a ton, gathered basically all the cards you can ever get for free including legendary event cards from challenges and guild wars etc. but it just doesnt matter how long you play they just keep releasing more and more retardedly overpowered pay to win cards and then a month later release more that make the previous ones obsolete while never actually changing the range of power of the free ones... This means that a paying player is now at the point that a single card from their p2w deck can literally destroy my entire army in 1 turn its the most broken balance ive ever seen in a game and it makes it completely pointless to play, the developer should be ashamed to call this a strategy game this is a p2w power creep game where playing for a long time means nothing and being the most recent person to spend a fortune means everything, even if you pay for a good deck it will only last a month until they release cards that cost the same but have twice the power so you always lose to the person that spent money most recently
STALEMATE! about Tyrant Unleashed, v2.20